Clarification for: CB1.3 Demonstrate understanding of Genetic Variation in Relation to an Identified Characteristic (AS92022) 5 Credits.
After a lengthy conversation with the Ministry of Education the following two clarifications are being sent out to all BEANZ members. Please disseminate these widely to non-BEANZ members within your school and across other schools.
There are two parts to it.
Clarification 1: Explanatory Note 4: Examples of a source of genetic variation for a population.
This should be genetic variation between populations eg: a population of katipō in the Wairarapa and a population of katipo in the Bay of Plenty.
Clarification 2: Unpacking the Standard - Making Reliable judgements. This says Independent Assortment and it should say Independent Segregation.
Independent assortment is an artifact of independent segregation and crossing-over, and only occurs between non-linked genes. Independent assortment was an explanation of inheritance prior to the elucidation of the mechanisms of introduction of genetic variation in meiosis (independent segregation and crossing-over).
It is the intention of the Ministry of Education to change the wording of the Unpacking the Standard parts during the year, however, the wording of the Standard itself cannot be changed until a review at the close of 2024 (this is for well explained and justified reasons, which BEANZ accepts).
Nga mihi
Erica Jar